Born in 1985 in Lithuania.
Since 2010 living and working between Lithuania and France.
A creator and a photographer experimenting in social and artistic fields, exploring the combination of both, using photographic medium to reflect psychological, cultural, social, economic and political constructions and their impacts on a daily life of a human.
Since Lithuania joined European Union Neringa was an active member in various NGO’s and an eager participant in many international social and cultural projects, exchanges, workshops world-wide.
Since 2014 she took a particular interest into “farm to table movement”. Through several years she travelled through USA following “Outstanding in the Field” company and documenting their activities. Did various woof’ing experiences in France. Graduated in Masters degree in Comparative Cultural studies in France with the final theses on “Negative aspects of a consumer society and it’s alternatives”.
Since 2021 Neringa is running “Namas residency” based in France that has taken a form of an artistic residency program that allows worldwide artists to come, stay and work in a remote rural village. The focus of the residency is cultivating common values such as sustainability, do-it-yourself approach, mutual help and support (physical and emotional), sensitivity to the impact on the environment, strong bond to nature and to other human (inclusivity), importance of the community and common actions (resistance).
Artistic works:
2010 First solo photo exhibition, portraits of the foreigners/immigrants living in a small rural village in the center of France.
2012 Photo exhibition in the photo festival “Prune” in Brioude named “Nostalgic being 27” exploring the fear of existence in the present moment and living in memories, fantasies, projections of the future.
2018 Published a fanzine “PINK” about the emotional waves of a break-up.
2020 Solo photo exhibition “Million suns” about youthful freedom, joy of spontaneity, celebration of a naked body and nature’s beauty.
2022 Published a catalogue “EX’PEAU” exploring the past romantic and intimate relationships.
Social projects:
2021 - leading workshops in the psychiatric clinic “La Chesnaie”, publishing a fanzine with photographic collages.
2021 - workshop with minor immigrants in Marseille with association ARS13 for a portrait exhibition.
2022 - collaborative workshops in prison in Puy En Valey for a mixed discipline activity, including mask making followed by portrait studio.
2022 – photographer for the collective « Excuse-moi de vous dégenrer” raising the questions of identity and stereotypes attached to it.
2023 - working with adults with a minor mental handicap including the theatre discipline, creating the fanzine and the final exhibition.
2023 – lead photographer in JR supported project with professional school Vocational High School François Rabelais (Lycée Professionnel François Rabelais), teaching pupils of photography skills and helping to realize 60 portraits which were later exposed on the school building.
2023 – participation in Verpejos residency house healing program, working on and documenting the reconstruction of an old wooden house, organizing and cooking for a pop-up restaurant Mona Ona.
Alternative farming:
It is an ongoing project that started in 2022 which includes documenting people who produce food in an alternative to a mass industrial and intensive ways of farming.